Final project meeting in Dolenjske Toplice (Slovenia)

On November 25th 2015, project partners involved in consortium that implements activities within project Finally held their final meeting in Dolenjske Toplice (Slovenia). The meeting project partners from Slovenia, Serbia, Italy, Bulgaria, Greece and Slovakia.

First part of the meeting was dedicated to analyzing the results of previous activities, with special focus on so called pilot activities – trainings aimed at increasing level of financial literacy, for trainers and for beneficiaries – Roma, carried out in all 6 countries involved in the project. During the pilot activities 100 trainers have been trained, and more than 90 Roma have been included in the initial trainings.

During the meeting, partners analyzed Manual for trainers, Workbook for Roma and didactical game, as final results of activities aimed at creating materials to be used in trainings for increasing financial literacy. Partners concluded with pleasure, that, after modifications and improvements, curriculum, lesson plan and materials were judged as excellent by both trainers and beneficiaries.

The second part of the meeting was dedicated to planning further project activities – finalizing project, reporting, and especially – activities related to dissemination and exploitation of project results. Namely, partners expressed willingness to make materials, curriculum, lesson plans and research results (presented in national and transnational reports and e-book Managing uncertanity) available to all the interested parties who could make use of them and carry out follow-up activities.