The toolbox consist of Workbook, PPTs and didactical game Romonopoly.
Testing in the pilot actions found out that Roma participants like the exercises and the topics, because are very useful, dynamic (different teaching/learning methods) and they recognized that this knowledge can help them in their real life. Also during training the trainers was collected good assessment. All the target group members perceived the material as high-quality tools. Material can be modified according to the needs and specifics of the target group – specific trainees. Some exercises might be omitted when needed. Material is culturally and content wise completely acceptable, clear and useful.
Testing in pilot actions gave positive feedback about selected topics, the number and quality of exercises. Quality of the Workbook, amount and type of information and exercises included were acceptable.
The game Romonopoly is offering a different approach for Roma education; it is very useful from methodological point of view, as well as a stimulating activity for the group dynamics. Game help to fully understand family budgeting issues, and to learn about it on easy and funny way. It is absolutely appropriate for target group. Also the quality of the game is very good. During the training the trainers it’s got excellent assessment. Concept is known from other games, but the cards, playing surface is really original.