Managing uncertainty – Research on the financial literacy of Roma families in six countries

e-book coverOne of most important outcomes of the Finally project is the e-book entitled Managing uncertainty – Research on the financial literacy of Roma families in six countries. This book offers summary of transnational report, which was developed based on national reports about level of financial literacy and other relevant aspects of quality of life of Roma in six countries included in realization of Finally project – Bulgaria, Greece, Italy, Serbia, Slovakia and Slovenia. Serbian national report derived from desk and field research realized by members of our team, Jelena Stanković and Ana Popović, teaching assitants from our Faculty.

The e-book is structured so that in the first part it offers information on socio-economic position of Roma in mentioned countries – about housing, employment and other aspects of social inclusion (health, schooling, education of adult Roma), while the second part offers presentation of the realized research about level of financial literacy of Roma – methodology and main research findings. The focus is on the following issues: earnings, consumption and expenses, savings, perceptions about economic success, relations with financial institutions, planning for the future. In the last part of the publication, conclusions and recommendations are presented.

This e-book can be useful for many individuals and organizations – researchers from this field, creators of related national policies, people engaged in NGOs dealing with improving quality of life of Roma, and all other interested parties – as a solid basis for future research and projects.

The free download of this publication is possible on the project Finally website – direct link: and on web page dedicated to project Finally on our Faculty’s website – direct link: Both locations also include more detailed reports – both national and transnational.